Miss HMC Polled 128/1 (P)
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Sire: +Mr.V8 279/7 (P)
Dam: Mis HMC Polled 56/1 (P)
Date of Birth: October 1, 2020
Miss HMC Polled 128/1 (P) is the best of our best! Combining phenotype, disposition, pedigree, and carcass qualities all in one package! She scanned a 4.1% IMF (choice), 13.7” ribeye and a 1.1 REA/cwt. Also to add to her list of credentials, she was the 2021 Reserve Calf Champion at the Kickoff Classic in Bryan Tx, the 2nd largest brahman show in the US. She is a daughter of our star donor Miss HMC Polled 56/1 (P), and out of the Registered of Renowned +Mr. V8 279/7. We are excited to have bred and produced this heifer, as well as her carry our dollar sign brand! She is exactly what we aim to produce in future generations.